Ethics - the missing 'E' in ESG investing? recording

17 March 2022

Tags: Corporate governance, Ethical Values

View our webinar recording.

Annabel Gillard, who has spent over 20 years working in asset management, asked leading players in the UK investment industry how they viewed the place of business ethics and corporate culture in their ESG assessments.

Annabel briefly presented her findings and then discussed their implications as part of the panel with Prof. Chris Cowton, Associate Director at IBE; Adam Gillet, Head of Sustainable Investment at Willis Towers Watson; Ashley Hamilton Claxton, Head of Responsible Investment at Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) and Ian Burger, Head of Responsible Investment at Newton Investment Management. This event was run in association with CFA UK.

IBE Webinar - Ethics - the missing E in ESG investing - Presentation Slides


Discussion paper

Ethics: the missing E in ESG investing?

This discussion paper explores the challenges facing the investment industry and makes recommendations for both asset managers and companies.

21 Mar 2022