Fraud fears rise due to tightening economic conditions
19 February 2024
As technology has grown and methods of communication have developed, the ability to work remotely has emerged to positively impact organisations, but raise questions regarding its effects on individuals.
Although the flexibility and mobility of working has improved, achieving both a balance and separation between work and home has become harder. In the IBE’s 2018 survey of the British public, 23% highlighted work-home balance as an issue that employers need to address, behind only tax avoidance, executive pay and environmental responsibility.
If an organisation does not effectively establish a culture which encourages a good balance between professional and personal life it can have wider ramifications on employee wellbeing and company performance. Flexible working arrangements are growing in business, and many full-time employees consider the option to use mobile technology away from work an advantage, yet companies need to recognise their duty of care and show caution to how this may cause stress for employees and negatively impact their personal lives.
Contrastingly, organisations also risk creating a disengaged workforce if they fail to take employees’ personal circumstances into account in a manner which is fair. Disengaged employees often become so after experiencing stress caused by their employers, and thus proceed to actively work against the aims of the organisation.
Read the latest blog from IBE Deputy Director, Rachael Saunders.
27 April 2023
This resource provides an analysis of the year’s news trends and the issues and sectors that featured the most.
12 January 2023
Listen in as Survey Director, Christopher Cowton shares his thoughts on our latest survey, IBE Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2022.
30 June 2022
Businesses and UK politicians must do better at demonstrating their ethical credentials if they are to win back the confidence of the British public - the 2022 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
29 June 2022
This resource presents an overview of the ethical concerns and lapses, as well as the positive business ethics stories, that the IBE recorded for its media monitoring exercise in 2021. It provides an analysis of the year’s trends and the issues and sectors that featured most frequently.
24 January 2022
Britain’s businesses could behave better - the 2021 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
17 January 2022
The results of our latest Ethics at Work survey bring us some good news, but also some red flags that cannot be ignored as organisations shape their ethical agenda for the future.
08 December 2021
Read the latest blog by Mark Chambers, IBE's Associate Director (Governance).
10 November 2021
This survey is the only one of its kind, covering 13 countries over four continents, that provides real insight into employees’ views on ethics across all sectors and job roles.
04 November 2021
Read our latest guest blog by Sally March, Jane Mitchell, Robert Smith and Ruth Steinholtz.
13 October 2021
Read the latest blog by Mark Chambers, IBE's Associate Director (Governance).
28 July 2021
In this blog, Guendalina Donde, IBE's Head of Research, discusses the results of the 2020 Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics survey.
13 January 2021
The 2020 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
30 December 2020