Trust in politicians, business and media to act ethically is lowest in four years: IBE writes to major parties
17 June 2024
Organisations seeking to create a sustainable ethical culture will encourage employees to be guided in their work by certain ethical values and to demonstrate behaviours that reflect those values. A key tool in achieving this is the performance management process.
Goal setting and performance assessment are central to embedding desired values, and ensuring these are measurable can often prove problematic to organisations. Performance management is one of the levers that can be used to support and reinforce efforts to articulate core values which change organisational culture, but it needs to be carried out effectively to avoid ethical lapses.
A key issue with performance management is ensuring that assessment systems are not working in conflict with attempts to build an ethical culture and embed values in the workplace and employee decision-making. An IBE survey from 2013 found that less than 60% of FTSE 350 companies include ethics in employee performance appraisals. Ignoring the important element of company ethics in overall performance can lead to a toxic internal culture with low employee engagement. Appraisals that contrast with ethics can result in employee behaviour which prioritises targets at the expense of company values, and increases the risk of serious ethical violations due to the desire to meet unrealistic targets.
The IBE’s Associate Director, Professor Chris Cowton, discusses a new question on CEO pay that was included in our recent public attitudes survey.
20 July 2023
Deputy Director, Rachael Saunders outlines some of the key findings from the 2023 Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics survey.
13 July 2023
Catch up on our latest webinar with Professor Alexander (‘Sandy’) Pepper.
16 December 2022
Britain’s businesses could behave better - the 2021 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
17 January 2022
Read the latest blog by Mark Chambers, IBE's Associate Director (Governance).
11 March 2021
In this blog, Guendalina Donde, IBE's Head of Research, discusses the results of the 2020 Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics survey.
13 January 2021
The 2020 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
30 December 2020
In this blog Prof. David Grayson CBE, Chair of the Trustees, discusses practical steps that a company can take, “when times are good”.
04 March 2020
The 2019 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.
17 December 2019
The 2018 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics
13 December 2018
The 2017 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics
12 December 2017
This Board Briefing offers both practical advice on how remuneration committees can address the challenge and some pointers to possible reform centred around the need to be clear about the value of what is being awarded and the pace at which remuneration is earned. Fairness and simplicity are the two themes which run through this publication.
10 February 2016
This IBE Briefing considers ethical issues related to staffing arrangements and employment contracts. Specifically, it looks at the potential ethical implications of the ‘casualisation’ of the workplace, including zero hours, agency contracts, part-time workers and transfers under TUPE.
30 April 2015