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Publication type: Survey

Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2024


IBE Webinar recording: Profit with purpose - who cares?

Catch up with the recording of the webinar on 30 November 2023 co-hosted by IBE / Thinks Insight & Strategy


Ethics on the board agenda

Read Prof. David Grayson's blog for Board Intelligence.


Innovating Business Ethics: The UK Law Values Report - Elevating Character Alongside Competence

In the latest Innovating Business Ethics blog, the Oxford Character Project focus on the values in the UK law sector.


Lots done but more to do on FTSE 350 codes

Reflecting on the findings of FTSE 350 Codes of Ethics: greater clarity needed.

Publication type: Report

FTSE 350 Codes of Ethics: greater clarity needed

An assessment of the codes of ethics of the UK’s leading companies.


Post CBI, post Casey, post #MeToo – is now the real time for change?

Read the latest blog from IBE Deputy Director, Rachael Saunders.

Publication type: Good practice guide

Measuring Ethical Culture

This Good Practice Guide is intended to help businesses define and measure ethical culture. Now with exclusive supporter-only case studies.


Innovating Business Ethics: The UK Finance Values Report - The call for a new narrative 

In the latest Innovating Business Ethics blog, the Oxford Character Project focus on the values of the UK finance sector.

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