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Publication type: Survey

Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2024

Publication type: Survey

IBE Survey - Ethical Risks 2024

Publication type: Good practice guide

Ethical Decision-Making


Fair enough?

Deputy Director, Rachael Saunders outlines some of the key findings from the 2023 Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics survey.

Publication type: Survey

Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2023


The ethics of corporate advocacy recording

Catch up with our latest webinar with David Grayson and panel.


A little help

IBE’s Associate Director, Prof. Chris Cowton, reflects on the role of ethical decision-making models, the subject of our latest research report.

Publication type: Report

FTSE 100 Ethical Decision-Making Models: good questions, good answers?

This report analyses the ethical decision-making models contained in the codes of ethics of the UK’s leading companies, the FTSE 100.


Businesses need to be transparent on taxes as public disquiet reaches record high

Read our latest guest blog by Graham Drummond, Head of Communications at the Fair Tax Foundation.


Is your business ethical - and do your stakeholders think so?

Listen in as Survey Director, Christopher Cowton shares his thoughts on our latest survey, IBE Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2022.

Publication type: Survey

Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2022

Businesses and UK politicians must do better at demonstrating their ethical credentials if they are to win back the confidence of the British public - the 2022 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.

External resource

Fair Tax Mark - Fair Tax Week polling data

The latest Fair Tax week poll has found that the UK public strongly supports responsible tax conduct, with the vast majority preferring to shop with (74%) or work for (75%) those businesses which can prove they’re paying their fair share of tax. Three-quarters of respondents also (74%) believe it’s important to celebrate those businesses that can demonstrate that they pay the right amount of tax and who overtly shun the artificial use of tax havens and contrived tax avoidance practices.

Publication type: Survey

Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2021

Britain’s businesses could behave better - the 2021 results of the IBE's annual survey of the attitudes of the British public to business ethics.

External resource

Financial Services Culture Board - 2021 FSCB Employee Survey

The FSCB surveyed over 45,000 employees to understand their views on the following 9 characteristics: honesty, respect, openness, accountability, competence, reliability, resilience, responsiveness, and shared purpose. The IBE has picked out some key findings that are directly relevant to business ethics.

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