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Publication type: Good practice guide

Ethical Decision-Making


The ethics of corporate advocacy recording

Catch up with our latest webinar with David Grayson and panel.


A little help

IBE’s Associate Director, Prof. Chris Cowton, reflects on the role of ethical decision-making models, the subject of our latest research report.

Publication type: Report

FTSE 100 Ethical Decision-Making Models: good questions, good answers?

This report analyses the ethical decision-making models contained in the codes of ethics of the UK’s leading companies, the FTSE 100.

External resource

Financial Services Culture Board - 2021 FSCB Employee Survey

The FSCB surveyed over 45,000 employees to understand their views on the following 9 characteristics: honesty, respect, openness, accountability, competence, reliability, resilience, responsiveness, and shared purpose. The IBE has picked out some key findings that are directly relevant to business ethics.

Publication type: Report

FTSE 100 Codes of Ethics: room for improvement

An assessment of the Codes of Ethics of the UK’s leading companies.


Purpose and the Pandemic

View the recording of our webinar.


We All Make Mistakes – But Can We Learn from Them?

In our latest guest blog, Corinne Fenech, discusses why unethical decision making is not above any of us, why this matters, and what each of us can do about it.


Stakeholder Engagement: values, business culture and society

View the recording of our webinar.


Ethics challenges for new employees and those changing jobs

Read our latest guest blog by By Kirk O. Hanson, Coauthor of Rotten: Why Corporate Misconduct Continues And What To Do About It.

External resource

The Ethics Study 2021 - Principia

This study, conducted by Principia in conjunction with Clifford Chance, the International Chamber of Commerce, GlobeScan, INvolve, and the Institute of Business Ethics, was designed to provide insights into how organisations are reacting to new ethical challenges and gauge leaders’ views on how best to build an ethical culture.


Rotten: Why Corporate Misconduct Continues and What to Do about It

View the recording of our webinar.


Ethics Goes Viral: pandemic dilemmas

Review the webinar recording, dilemmas and voting results of our previous series.


Now is the right time to look at your culture

Ethical failures in business continue to happen with depressing regularity. Unfortunately, many organisations are only spurred to look at their culture and take the steps to embed ethical values at the heart of their decision making after things have gone badly wrong and customers, shareholders and colleagues have suffered as a result. 


Dilemma: Stressed

This dilemma addresses the issues of fraud and false accounting.


Dilemma: Recycling

This dilemma addresses issues of conflicts of interest, environmental responsibility and duty of confidentiality.


Stop Press - trust in business on the rise

At the Institute of Business Ethics, we have some cautious good news. Public trust in British business is at its highest level in 15 years.

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