Our ProfBEN network provides a confidential forum for the promotion of good practice and the sharing of common challenges in the implementation of professional standards - both across institutions as well as for members.

Our ProfBEN community is considered by participants to provide a valuable safe space where peer-to-peer learning can take place through the sharing of experiences. Through the IBE, many have found a friendly ear or an encouraging challenge to help them take their programmes to the next level.


What are they?

Our ProfBEN meetings, which happen periodically throughout the year, provide the pillars around which the community is built. These invitation-only events are usually focused on a specific topic and are led by a member or members of the network who candidly share their experience and pose probing questions for group discussion.

All network meetings are hosted and facilitated under the Chatham House Rule by the IBE.

Who are they for?

These meetings are both practitioner-led and practitioner-focused, with invitations only extended to those responsible for professional standards. Invitees are, however, free to recommend  alternates / subject-matter experts from their organisation to attend with them, or in their place. Registrations are limited to 3 participants per organisation per meeting.

Why attend?

Network meetings are a unique opportunity to discuss with your peers the challenges, issues and successes of embedding ethical values across your members.


Next ProfBEN meeting

Business Ethics Network (BEN) Meeting - Vexatious speak up

Join us for this BEN meeting.