The Dark Pattern: the hidden dynamics of corporate scandals

01 May 2025 | 17:00 – 18:00 | Zoom webinar

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Volkswagen, Boeing, Theranos, Uber, FTX – corporate scandals that defy logic. It is easy to assume that our organisations are immune, that these were bad things done by bad people. The reality is more unsettling. How do seemingly good people – managers with values and good intentions – become complicit in systemic organisational misbehaviour? Why do ethical lapses occur, even within organisations that strive for integrity?

Guido Palazzo – author of The Dark Pattern: the hidden dynamics of corporate scandal – discusses the core connections between high profile scandals with Lauren Branston, revealing the psychological forces behind ethical blindness and the powerful role of context in shaping our decisions. 


Why attend

  • Take a sneak peak into Guido's soon to be published book, The Dark Pattern: the hidden dynamics of corporate scandals
  • Learn how to protect your integrity and that of your organisation
  • Understand the mechanisms and patterns behind systematic organisational misbehaviour.


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Please note that our webinar panellists' views and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the Institute of Business Ethics

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Once you have booked your place you will receive a link to join the event. This will be sent via email two working days before the webinar with a reminder an hour beforehand. If you have do not receive the link, please email [email protected].

Webinar recording
Please note that this webinar will be recorded and available to view on our website around two working days following the event.